Interim Pastor Needed!
Job Title: Interim Pastor
Status: Full time
Job Description:
The Interim Pastor will provide counsel and leadership to the congregation during the transitional period between installed Pastor (resigned in Spring 2024 after 7 years of service) and future installed Pastor and will prepare the congregation for new pastoral leadership.
He or she is responsible for moderating the Session and for providing leadership and administrative oversight of the church's ministries, including worship, music, preaching, teaching, missions, stewardship, pastoral care, and fellowship.
He or she will work with the Session, Deacons, and Church staff to provide opportunities for members to engage in worship, discipleship, mission, and fellowship.
He or she will use their interim training skills to assess the congregation's current and long term needs, and provide counsel and leadership to help the Church identify what it is called to be in the future.
Accountability: The Interim Pastor is accountable to the Session and the Presbytery of Geneva
Qualifications: Installed Pastor, interim training or experience
Salary: $55,000 including housing allowance
Benefits: Includes medical, 4 weeks paid vacation
Church Demographics: 110 members – 62% women, 37% 70 years or older
Church History: Founded in 1818
Website: (here)
Telephone: 607-535-2377 (Office hours listed on our church calendar)
Location: Centrally located in the Finger Lakes Region of New York State, 25 miles from Corning, Ithaca, and Elmira, NY
Contact: Wendy Drake,
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